Sweet Protection

Home of the brave

A heroic wife’s tale

Live to play another day

Sweet Protection


The mountain of laundry is cold, wet and unforgiving. Wading through the endless stack of dirty dishes piling up in the sink is also gnarly. Yet, she perseveres. Finds the strength to deal with the demands of their young daughter and maps out her day in the half-empty house, while he’s out there in the wilderness, at the mercy of nature. He’s always well-prepared, though, so she knows he’s safe.

So it goes that during the toughest of times, it’s often the ones who are left to hold the fort who are the most courageous. Those who soldier on, back home.

Sweet - Home of the brave

Film production - 120sek
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Our incredible crew

Client Sweet Protection - Christian Erga
Copywriter Helge Svendsen
Art director Øivind Kristiansen
Account director Heidi Holm
Account manager Anne Gro Carlsson
Producer (Austria) Harry Putz
Cinematographer Max Larsson
Music score Indianarane
Director Aksel Jermstad